Author name: Healthrite Limited

hand disinfection, disinfection, mouth guard

Question: Can you care for someone who has corona virus at home?

Answer: Yes, some people feel mild symptoms that can be taken care of at home. Most people feel a mild illness and recover. However in Nigeria, we are careful because we don’t want to encourage spread in the community, call the NCDC hotline or your health care provider to seek more guidance. The data available

Question: Can you care for someone who has corona virus at home? Read More »

easter, easter eggs, corona

how are we going to celebrate Easter with covid-19 stay at home order?

Question: How are we going to celebrate this Easter? Today is Good Friday, 10th April, 2020 and the stay at home order for Covid19 has not been lifted. Answer: Places of worship in Nigeria usually have large gatherings of people. This has to be avoided to reduce the spread of Covid-19 which is transferred very

how are we going to celebrate Easter with covid-19 stay at home order? Read More »

corona, covid-19, age

Breaking News: Data show Covid-19 disproportionately affecting Blacks in America

Several news media are reporting that so far the Covid-19 virus is killing more blacks in America. This is a warning to all those who thought that blacks cannot get this disease! Stay home, Wash your hands, Maintain physical distancing! Live Right, Live Long! Dr Uche 7th April, 2020

Breaking News: Data show Covid-19 disproportionately affecting Blacks in America Read More »